Let us know if you want a testdrive of SILENT 60
Mallorca, June - September 2024
First solar catamaran production launched in 2009.
FIRST version of Silent catamaran sailed 15.000 nm in three years with only 50 hours of generator work.
Our features
  • Transatlantic passage
  • Safety — first catamarans to be certified as DIN EN ISO 16315 for marine operation of electrically powered yacht
  • 100.000 nm powered by the sun
  • Two years usage without starting a generator
  • Price equal to conventional propulsion catamarans
The only footprint you leave behind are those in the sand.
The first and only oceangoing production yachts in the world that are self-sufficient and powered by solar energy. Since 2009 our yachts cruised more than 100.000 nautical miles purely powered by solar energy. They proved their reliability and seaworthyness all over the world and in all kinds of weather conditions - a Silent 64 even crossed the Atlantic Ocean!
The future of luxury yachting is individualistic, noiseless, self-sufficient and taking responsibility for nature and environment.
Quality Management
Designers and navalarchitects from Italy and Germany
Design, brand, and knowhow is a property of Silent-Yachts.
Our production facilities are well known since decades for their high quality and durability of their products.
All technical components come from well-known brands (like Miele, Bosch, Gianneschi, Kohler, Grohe, Haeffele) with a worldwide service network.

All components of the powertrain as well as the energy production- and storage system are installed by our field technicians. The same team of engineers is available for worldwide service and warranty if required.

Remote service
All vitalcomponents,e.g.batteries,propulsion, power generation etc. are redundant and can be serviced remotely via internet.
We have established a three level controlling system in order to assure that the production complies with the quality characteristics we defined for our yachts:
a) Two italian naval architects.
b) A German technical surveyor.
c) An external marine surveyor.

These seven points assure the expected high quality level, safety and longevity of SILENT yachts.
SILENT YACHTS require significantly less maintenance than other comparable yachts
Technology A-Z
    Can cruise up to 100 nautical miles a day without fuel, per- manently and for weeks featuring virtually un- limited range. The sun in cooperation with the SILENT-System feeds the electric propulsion of the catamarans and all house-hold energy needs. What is the technology behind this?

    The energy is stored in state-of- the-art light weight Lithium batteries. They provide ample energy for the propulsion as well as for all household appliances, e.g. for television, air-conditioning, ice-machine, wa- ter-maker, laptop etc. We are using batteries which are among the best regarding liability, safety, performance, weight and life-span.
    Combuston engines have an energy efficiency of about 30 % whereas electric motors have an efficiency of more than 90 %. This saves a lot of power and emits significantly less heat. For the same reason we use an induction cooktop and an electric stove in the kitchen. No propane, no gas on board, no fire hazard and less heat inside the boat
    Depends on permanently available energy. On a SILENT yacht you can watchTV, have a cold beer, run air-conditioning and produce up to 2000 liters of drinking water per day without starting the generator. In bad weather or when mosquitoes are outside, you can enjoy the unique aeration system. The air conditioning fast and efficiently cools down the interior of the boat (or heats it in cold weather).
    There is no maintenance required for solar panels and batteries. The electric motors need two new bearings after 50.000 hours, at 500 hours per year this means 100 years (!). Only the small generator needs a little attention.
    In longer periods of bad weather or when a higher speed is required for more than a couple of hours a diesel generator recharges the batteries. This gives you the confidence that you will never run out of power.
    We offer new concepts to use the wind in a more modern way, with a kite, a customized Parasailor and wind generators. While sailing your SILENT yacht recharges the batteries. When the propellers are turned by the water-flow, the electric motors produce energy to recharge the batteries.

    The guaranteed lifespan of our solar-panels is 25 years, the lifespan of the Lithium batteries 8 years, the electric motors are virtually free of maintenance for decades. In fact an electric propulsion system is by far more reliable than conventional diesel powered propulsion, as there are less moving parts, no lubrication is required and it is free of fuel based problems.
    At SILENT-YACHTS we are proud, that our catamarans were the first to be certified according to DIN EN ISO 16315 for marine operation of electrically powered yachts. All vital components are redundant to ensure double safety.
    The photovoltaic modules we use are of highest quality and efficiency – the best available on the market.
    Due to their exceptionally low weight (half the weight of a conventional yacht), the streamlined shape and the towing-tank optimized underwater-lines, SILENT yachts have less wave drag and friction than other sailing or motor-yachts. This reduction is due to weight-optimized design, expensive materials (Carbon, Aramid, Epoxy-resin) as well as elaborate construction techniques. Depending on the chosen motor configuration, a SILENT yacht offers a cruising-speed of 6–8 knots and a top speed of up to 20 knots.
After 23 years using motorboats and sailboats on several oceans, Michael and Heike Köhler were sure that there must be a better way for the energy supply and propulsion of yachts. From 2005 to 2009 they tested alternative power sources on their own sailing catamaran, with a focus on self-suffi- cient solar power supply as well as electric propulsion. From 2005 Heike and Michael gave lectures about these topics and published a book called "Energieversorgung auf Yachten" ("Energy-Supply on Yachts"). Based on the results of five years and 15,000 NM of sailing on a test catamaran

they started the design and construction of the SOLARWAVE 46, a purely solar-powered yacht, the first fully self-sufficient bluewater-catamaran.

The SOLARWAVE 46 was the first oceangoing yacht that powered the propulsion as well as all household appliances exclusively by solar energy. This includes induction cooktops, stove, microwave, grill, freezers and fridges, air conditioning, washing machine, and water-maker. Even the dinghy motor and the electric motorbike were solar-charged. In 2010 Heike and Michael started a rigorous 4 years sea-trial, crossed the whole of Euro- pe by river and sailed the dangerous Black-Sea, the stormy Aegean as well as the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to the two skippers the solar cata- maran accommodated 6–8 persons with electrically prepared full board, water-production, cooling and heating for a period 120 weeks in total.

And on top of that the SOLARWAVE 46 was able to power the engines, every day under any weather-conditions, in storms of force 9 as well as in calm weather, with sun, rain, cloudy sky, snowfall and ice. During this period of 4 years there was no need for maintenance or repair-works, neither for the solar-plant nor the batteries or the electric engine.

The generator, which has to be on board for safety reasons, was working for approx. 50 hours – primarily to avoid becoming rusty. During the same period of time the electric motors worked more than 2.000 hours – without any maintenance.

This was the proof, that the SILENT-YACHTS technology is head and shoulders above all other types of nautical propulsion. And that Michael Köhler's SILENT System is suitable for self-sufficient sailing and life on board.

During the last years, Heike and Michael Köhler have received several awards honoring their R&D about alternative energy production and con- sumption on boats and their success to implement the results into real life luxury yachts. Today they produce high-end yachts in different sizes and layouts that use the SILENT System to provide and manage the solar energy needed for propulsion, household and luxury life on board.

Silent Yachts world awards
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Sergey Moskovskih
Phone: +34 629 458 794
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